- Home
- Books & Materials: Circulation Policies, Fines, Holds, Inter Library Loans
- Online Catalog: Search our physical and digital collections.
- Searching the Catalog: A brief tutorial video on searching our catalog.
- My Account: Log in to renew items, view hold status or manage your account.
- Fines and Fees The Library is now Fine Free.
- Book Clubs: See what we are reading, and join in.
- Looking For A Good Book: Don't know what to read next? We can help.
- Book Lists: Get custom notifications of new books by Author or Genre.
- Hours & Branch Locations: includes Regular Holidays, Phone #s, Addresses
- Blacksburg Library: includes Weather, Map.
- Christiansburg Library: includes Weather, Map.
- Jessie-Peterman Memorial Library (Floyd): includes Weather, Map.
- Meadowbrook Public Library: includes Weather, Map.
- Mobile Library: Includes schedule of stop and downloadable PDF of schedule.
- Administrative Offices: Located in the Christiansburg building.
- eLibrary: Your library is Online 24/7
- Niche Academy: Training for many of our online resources.
- eBooks:Download free eBooks, Audiobooks, Movies, Magazines, and Music.
- Get the Apps: The App is the first step for most Digital Libraries
- Online Databases: Research, Finance, Genealogy and more!
- Genealogy: Several databases of Geneaological records.
- Learning: Languages, online classes and more!
- Youth Resources: Many of our offerings are geared towards kids!
- Services: How can we help you?
- Princh: Print from Mobile/PC and pick up at the library.
- Books By Mail: Homebound? The library can come to you.
- Proctoring: To support educational and career goals.
- Suggestion Programming: Have an idea for a library program?
- Suggestion for Purchase: Can't find it in the catalog?
- Change Address: Moved? New Phone/eMail? Let us know.
- Ask a Librarian: Got a question?
- Public Computers: Free High Speed Internet (and more) for everyone.
- Meeting Room Reservations: Requests can be submitted online.
- Bill Payments: You can pay your fines online!
- Passports: MFRL is a designated Passport Acceptance Facility.
- Kids: Books and Reading Suggestions for Kids
- Story Times: Regularly Scheduled Storytimes.
- Programs & Events: Upcoming and Regular programming for Kids.
- Fun & Games: Links and information on fun activities for Kids.
- Homework Help: Use Resources for young learners in 6 catagories.
- Early Literacy: A Variety of Resources
- Educator Resources: Resources for Homeschoolers & Teachers
- Teens: Books and Reading Suggestions for Teens
- Programs & Events: Upcoming and Regular programming for Teens.
- Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunities.
- School & Beyond: Homework Help & College Prep.
- Social Media: Find us on Facebook & Twitter.
- Programming
- Upcoming Events: Full calendar of events and programs.
- Activities and Exhibits: Crafts, Art, and self-directed activities.
- Mobile Library Schedule: Where and when our Mobile Unit will be.
- Story Times: Regularly Scheduled Storytimes
- Talking About Books: Upcoming Book Clubs
- Director: Karim Khan is the Director of MFRL
- Board of Trustees: Information on the MFRL Trustees Board
- Organization Chart: How the Library is Organized
- Policies: All MFRL Policies are available online
- Annual Report 2023-2024: Latest Annual Report
- Strategic Plan: Current Strategic Plan
- Objectives 2021: Goals for the coming year(s).
- Space Needs & Facility Feasibility Study 2016: Conducted for both the Blacksburg & Christiansburg branches
- MFRL Foundation: The fundraising arm of the Library
- Floyd County Library Building Fund: acts to raise funds for the Jessie Peterman Memorial Library (Floyd Branch)
- Friends of the Library: FOL supports and promotes the Library
- Contact Us: There are many ways to contact us.
- Requests: Suggestions, Requests, Questions
- Ask a Librarian: Short, factual Questions
- Suggestion for Purchase: Do we not have it?
- Suggestion for Programming: What kind of events are we missing?
- Change Address: I need to update my information
- Get a Library Card: Register for a card online.
- Notifications: Customize Email, Text or Phone for Predue/Overdue/Holds
- Branch Events eMails: Aproximately Weekly
- New at the Library: The latest books and movies we've added